Need to Repair Your Plumbing Fixtures? Call Our Reliable Texas Plumbers ASAP!
24/7 Expert Service for Your Faucets, Sinks and More
If you are like most people, your idea of plumbing fixtures may be limited to faucets and pipes. But do you know that there’s a lot more to it? In fact, everything that is connected to the plumbing system and interface with water is actually a plumbing fixture. Here are some of the most common of the lot:
• Bathtubs
• Sinks in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
• Toilets
• Showers
• Faucets
• Bidets
• Drinking fountains
• Taps
All the accessories and equipment described above are necessary for you to live and get by your daily routine comfortably and conveniently. They are also things that you use every day without fail, which means they are more vulnerable to damage than other items in your home.
Unfortunately, whenever there is trouble with the toilet, sink, or other such equipment in the house, some homeowners tend to do the repair work themselves even if it means doing an extremely poor job. We, at Plumbers 911, are no longer surprised when people come to us for help only after they tried (and failed) to make it work.
Needless to say, carrying out plumbing fixture repairs require technical skills, experience, and knowledge to successfully complete – only seasoned professionals can deliver outstanding results.
Replace or Repair? Let Our Plumbers in Texas Help You Decide
While you may be set on repairing your broken or inoperative sink, bath, or other fixtures before calling us for help, our experts will first make a thorough assessment of the situation so we can tell you what your options are. Ultimately, it will come down to whether it would be more beneficial for you to fix or to completely replace the damaged piece.
Here are some of the factors that you need to consider for you to know whether it would be better to repair or replace:
Age. How long have you been using the damaged fixture? How many years has it been installed? Age is an important factor considering that every item has a lifespan. If the defective plumbing component is way past its prime, then it is understandable why the same is no longer functioning as it should.
Cost. Is repair cost less than replacement cost? Will carrying out repairs fix the problem for a long time? Cost is a critical factor in everything since you should always get your money’s worth. If it is much cheaper to buy and install a new one which would last much longer then it is more practical and prudent to do so.
Quality of fixture. If for example the
bidet you need to repair is of mediocre quality and bought at an extremely low price, would changing it for a new one be more beneficial? Of course, it would be completely different if what you have is high-end and made by world-renowned craftsmen.
Our skilled specialists will help you assess all the factors above. Our goal is to help you understand which option would be most beneficial for you and your situation.
When you hire us to do the work for you, we make sure that we put your needs first. We will make it a point that you understand the pros and cons of both sides because we want you to make an informed decision. Our goal is to be your partner in the process and our technicians to be your guide so you can arrive at the best choice for you and your family.