Frozen and Broken Pipes

Our Licensed Local Plumbers in Boston Can Fix Your Broken and Frozen Pipes

Plumbers 911 Has Certified Technicians on Call 24/7

Frozen Broken Pipes | Boston Plumbers The winter air and icy cold are a deadly combination that can freeze, break or even burst your pipes. When water passing through the pipes is frozen solid, this ice can expand and obstruct your pipeline, causing extreme pressure build-up. Your entire plumbing system is affected and thus rendered more vulnerable to breakage and leaks.

The Cost of Leaks Caused by Frozen, Broken or Burst Pipes

A leaky pipe simply due to a hairline fissure can unleash more than 250 gallons of precious water within 24 hours! Imagine how much more will be wasted as a result of frozen pipes, which can potentially burst in the most inconvenient places, such as your upstairs bathroom or within walls. You might go home one day to find leaks wreaking havoc into your living room appliances and furniture. Don’t wait for this worst case scenario to happen and immediately call your local plumbing professionals if you suspect frozen pipes. Even if you have inspected and found that all visible and accessible pipes appear to have no problem at all, and yet your water supply or drainage remains suspiciously obstructed, plumbing experts can conduct a more in-depth assessment of your entire plumbing system. They have the tools, the equipment and the professional expertise necessary for locating the icy blockage and thus preventing further damage.

A Call Plumbers 911 Now!

You can find reputable frozen burst pipe repair experts through Plumbers 911. We are the most reliable referral service when it comes to connecting private homeowners or businessmen with only the best plumbing pros in Boston who strictly follow local building codes and practices. We guarantee that they have earned their licenses by completing a minimum of 10,000 hours of training. Rest assured that the plumbing technicians we send over to your home or commercial space are duly insured, bonded and trustworthy. Before we refer anyone to you, we make sure their records are clean by subjecting them to thorough background checks as well drug tests conducted periodically.

More Reasons for Choosing Our Local Plumbing Services

Plumbers 911 and our finely screened and selected affiliates are dedicated to keeping services updated, upgraded and innovated. Our contractors value the principle of investing in the latest technology and equipment to ensure consistently excellent job quality and speedier work performance. We know how valuable time is when leaks are concerned. Our tech-savvy pros can install mainline video surveillance, use ultra-high pressure hydrojets and other gadgets as required per case, all aimed at keeping water and money wastage to a minimum.

Simplify Your Life by Calling Our Boston Plumbing Contractors

Frozen, broken or burst pipes can seldom be solved on your own and usually require professional assistance. Your plumbing system is more complex than meets the eye and a DIY attempt can potentially do more harm than good. A failed attempt can double your expenses, not to mention the damage done and water wasted. Simply dial Plumbers 911 any time of day for any emergency, and we will send over only Boston’s best in no time.

Emergency Tips from Our Boston Plumbing Pros

Here are seven things you should do if you suspect frozen, broken or leaky pipes. 1. Locate the water supply valve and turn it off in order to reduce pressure, minimize flooding and prevent further damage to your home and assets. 2. Turn off the main power supply as well, to avoid potential electric shock accidents. 3. Relocate furniture and appliances to safer areas of the house. 4. Although we don’t recommend DIY attempts when it comes to frozen pipes, you should still know these safe emergency measures just in case. If you must thaw a frozen pipe, do so with a hairdryer and never with any open flame devices. The thawing must be done with the faucet of the frozen pipe open, to safely diffuse melted ice and steam. Also, you should start the thawing process from the faucet and work backward to the opposite end of the pipe in question, to avoid pressure build-up and bursting. This should only be done as a last resort, if and only if no immediate help is available. Of course, if you call us we guarantee that a pro will be at your door in record time so you won’t have to make risky attempts. 5. Even when you’ve already shut down your water supply, drain remaining water in your plumbing system. Flush the toilets and turn all faucets on to disperse water and pressure. You might as well include the hot water faucets for speedier draining, but do make sure that your central heating and boiler systems are turned off before doing so. 6. Once you have somehow or other secured your assets and have gained enough control over the situation, call Plumbers 911 ASAP! 7. While waiting for us, you might as well document the entire thing and take pictures of the damage for insurance purposes. Extra Tips from Our Boston Plumbing Experts To keep your pipe from freezing and breaking, we advise the following measures: • Add insulation to your pipes, giving priority to the ones found in non-insulated spaces such as external walls and the garage. • Or you may cover exposed pipes that are non-insulated using thermostat-controlled heat cables to prevent freezing. • Turning the heat on in your garage or storage room, even at as low as 55 degrees Fahrenheit, can help avoid frozen pipes. Leaks are inevitable; you will experience them at one point in time or another, whether due to frozen and burst pipes or simply due to the regular wear and tear associated with old age. Either way, it would be best if you: 1. Find out the location of the main water valve, usually in external walls, in the basement or a utility room. Remember that a clockwise direction is how you turn it off. When we visit your home or commercial establishment, we can help locate other more accessible emergency valves for your convenience. 2. Have a water leak protection system installed. While you may have to initially invest in a considerable sum of money, it will be worth every penny. If a leak is detected, it will set off an alarm and will automatically shut down your water supply to prevent water wastage and further damage. Contact Plumbers 911 now for a stress-free and comfortable winter!