Why Leak Detection Requires the Professional Services of Plumbers in Montana
Plumbers 911 Can Detect Leaks Efficiently and Quickly
It is easy to observe the signs of a leaking pipe, but it takes a professional to trace the source of the leak.
We are blessed with modern in-house plumbing that our ancestors were not able to enjoy.
But you can only continue enjoying this convenience if your water system is well-maintained. Ignore its regular and preventive maintenance and you will reap the results – one of which is
leaking pipes.
Our Licensed Plumbing Experts in Montana Suggest Regular Maintenance
It is not just the leaks that you should be worried about. If the leaks are not detected and left unchecked, you would incur structural damages that may result in very expensive repairs in your piping system as well as your household fixtures.
The first thing you need to do is to accurately trace where the leak is coming from. And when it comes to leak detection and repair, here is where our professional are of real help.
Common Types of Leaks
There are different types of leaks that occur in a normal household. Learning about them is your first step to solving this problem. There are tell-tale signs of these leaks that you can easily observe. This should help you control the leaking problem before it becomes unmanageable.
Water line leaks
These are leaks that occur inside your home, and are typically characterized by excessive water bills. Fortunately, these types of leaks do not destroy your yard, but it can damage your flooring, ceiling, basement and other parts inside your house where the leaks occur.
Yard line leaks
These occur in your yard and are usually characterized by flooding. Oftentimes, the flood of water is far from the actual leak itself requiring leak detection of a professional like Plumbers 911 Montana. Because of the leaks, you will also experience higher water bills.
Gas leaks
This is the most dangerous since it involves combustible substances that may cause fire and injury to persons. You can also be exposed to carbon monoxide poisoning if it is left undetected early on.
The problem is: these often go unnoticed until the problem becomes unmanageable. But the moment you smell gas, call the plumbing technician so that the leak will be traced and stopped right away. This is a problem that you should not ignore and forget.
4. Slab leaks
These can cause major damage to your house’s foundation. If it comes from the upper floors, it can cause damage to the whole building structure. You will know if you have these leaks if you see traces of liquid on the concrete slabs.
Perhaps a water pipe embedded in the concrete developed holes and allows water to seep out. These types of leaks are hard to trace and only a professional water system technician can successfully do the job.
Why Pipes Develop Leaking Problems
There are many reasons why pipes develop problems that results in leaks. This is mostly true with water pipes but also occurs in gas pipes. It is very vital for homeowners and commercial businesses to schedule regular check ups for maintenance. This will avoid bigger problems in the future.
Common Causes of Leaking Pipes
• Corrosion
Ordinary pipes are made of metal and even those made of low grade stainless steel are subject to this kind of degradation. And since they always convey water, such pipes will always be eaten up by rust.
When rust develops, it results in pipe pitting, or the development of very small holes where water could leak out.
• Water pressure that is too high
Water pipes are made of certain specifications and they are chosen depending on the volume of water they can convey and the water pressure they can withstand. When the pressure and volume of the water supply exceeds the specific capacities of the pipe, it will burst in some sections and leaking will result.
• Old age
Normal wear and tear plus old age exact their toll on water and gas pipes. So, if you are experiencing leaks in your house, perhaps your piping system is way too old. Only a professional plumbing technician will be able to determine whether you need to have your piping system replaced or repaired.
• Man-made damage
When your neighbor is having his house repaired by a contractor, the workers might be careless in doing their job and damage your main pipes. You may never know it because you’re not aware of what they are doing. The sad thing is: you are the recipient of their costly mistake.
• Drastic changes in the weather
Water inside the pipes can freeze if the weather drops below zero degree. When that happens, the pipe will burst, and you will have a leak when spring time rolls in.
Our Licensed Montana Plumbers Can Detect Your Leaks Accurately
One of the hardest tasks of a service plumber is to trace leaks because most of these pipes are
buried underground or embedded in concrete. Only a person with the proper knowledge, training and experience will have the skill to accurately detect where the leak is coming from.
And that is the reason why you will need the professional services of Plumbers 911 Montana if you have several leaks in your piping system. Once you hire us:
1. You will be able to stop the leaking problem before its gets uncontrolled. We will easily locate the pipe sections where the leaks are coming from because of the experience he has gathered through the years. With the leaks traced as quickly as possible, you are able to avert the damage to your house and appliances.
2. You will be able to save money in potential repairs of your house or your appliances. If the holes in your pipes are not that big, he may able to repair it and re-commission it. Therefore, you don’t need to change your piping system.
With the leaks controlled, the floors or walls of your house will no longer be subjected to water leaks that could compromise their strength and integrity.
Trust our
local Montana plumbers to get the job done right the first time!